Friday, July 1, 2011

Fundamental Skills Clinic

Just wrapped up the first session at our Fundamental Skills Clinic at the YMCA. It was great experience for these young athletes, some first time ball players. I greatly appreciate the The Y, The Kids, and The Parents for their participation.

Be Equipped and Be Blessed!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


In the past couple weeks, God has been opening many doors for KP. Providing exposure, resources, and opportunity that we are truly grateful for. When thinking of doors, I was reminded of the vintage gate handle I purchased in Holland last year. As I held the lion in my hand, I stated; "this will be the door handle to the KP grounds."


I was inspired by the vision board, so I created one with KP in mind. Showcasing my clutter of thoughts on a canvas, was an outlet to express what I think of on a daily basis. Call it art, call it a vision of faith, but don't call it a secret.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


FAITH FIRST! Congratulations to JET and Dallas Mavericks for a Championship much deserved. They endured the trials, faced the opposition, and rose above the critics. Jason Terry expressing his faith in God through the playoffs was by the best highlight of them all.
Home of "you've got mail", Aol Studio O+A stores lots of creativity within its unique space.
"Cooper Union seniors Lucien Smith and Jack Siegel made a huge splash when they opened the doors to their group exhibition entitled Imagined Nostalgia." - Courtesy of